Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall is Here!

Hi friends, Well the calendar saw the arrival of Fall a few days ago but today we are having a front come through with cool temperatures and lots of wind. So it really feels like Fall. A nice welcome to November, which includes one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for that probably we should celebrate this every month (maybe without all the food!) This year Thanksgiving will find Michael and me at the ranch in North Carolina with most of our family. That is always a great time and when we can get together for a whole week it is really special. Last week we got the start of the winter garden planted so we should be harvesting collards in about a month. Yummy! There are also beets, carrots and onions and I am planning on adding a heirloom vegetable called salsify. It is a root like a carrot, white in color and supposedly takes like oysters. We will give it a try. The seeds came from my neighbor Beverly who remembers it from her childhood. In another week I will add more carrots, beets and onions in order to stagger the harvest some. I hope that this message finds each of you well and happy. Love you, Wendy