Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best Christmas gift ever!!!

My darling husband gave me a PUPPY! He is very young but darned cute. Still eating formula along with soft puppyfood. He has a white mark on the tip of his nose that looks like a question mark so we named him Ridley. The other dogs, Cletus and Maggie don't quite know what to make of him but it won't be long before he is chewing on their toe and they will have to engage. He mostly sleeps through the night but not always. Thankfully Michael takes t hose feedings during the work week. Here are photos: and a couple more Hope you had a Merry, Joyful Christmas! Wendy

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Update and Christmas Wishes

Well the answer on the cancer front was kind of mixed, the good news is that the tumor on my thoracic spine cannot even be seen anymore, yeah! The not so great news was that there are more tumors in my liver and maybe one on my sacrum. Since the cancer has changed we will change also. I start a new chemotherapy drug called Halaven today and will continue on the Herceptin. Let's hope for minimal side effects with this drug also. There are still plenty of tools in the tool box to use. Cancer doesn't know who it is messing with! Of more importance I hope you are all going to have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends, celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus. Love you and praying that we are together in 2016! Wendy

Friday, December 18, 2015


Hanging out at ORMC today waiting to do scans. Things have been rocking along pretty well lately. I had a heart scan this week (routine) that showed my heart function was back in the normal range, yeah! Then some blood work this week sent me for new scans (which were due soon anyway) so here I am waiting to be scanned at 4. I seriously could have used this time for some Chrstmas shopping! Anyway at least you got a quick update. Last weekend Michael and I were in Pineland to celebrate his birthday with Chris and Gayle. Had a great time, ate too much good food and caught lots of fish. Good times! I hope this next week finds you with family and friends to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus. His Love being manifest. Pleas remember that greatest gift. Hug your loved ones and pretend one hug is from me! Joy, Wendy