Friday, April 4, 2014

I have some great news!

I have been feeling bad that I hadn't posted anything since March 10 but this news was good enough to wait for. I had a PET scan today and within 40 minutes of leaving the hospital my doctor's office was cslling with GOOD NEWS!! The scan showed that two of the mets have been "resolved" hospital speak for they are gone!!!One of them was the only one I had in soft tissue! The other mets are shrinking also or inert and stable except for a small one on my hip. This is an indicator that the Kadcyla treatments are doing exactly what we hoped that they would do. And also answers to prayers that so many of you have said on my behalf. I am extremely humbled and touched by all of you. And let's give thanks to the Lord for His mercy and healing. Love you all, Wendy

1 comment:

  1. That is great news! Thank you for sharing it! Love you back!
