Tuesday, April 19, 2016

One week later and things are different 🙂

So the situation changed on Thursday the 16th when I had spasms and numbness in my right leg that sent us to the hospital. Started some meds to treat and had additional scans. Then Saturday I had a more extensive series of spasms on my right side. This was then followed by another CT scan and it was determined that I have a neurological issue generated by my cancer so I moved from the cancer floor at ORMC over to Neurological Step Down and started new meds that will control the spasms better. That is definitely working as there have been none for two days now. The doctors have case discussions on Thursdays so my treatment plan will be determined after that and I will let you know. In the meantime I am doing physical therapy to strengthen my right leg and answering work email. I have a great team of doctors here and of course the Great Physician Jesus at my side. Great peace and no anxiety is where I rest. Just wanted to let you know the latest. Love to you all. Wendy

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, Michael and the team of health care providers around you!
