Monday, May 24, 2010

Preak Russey School

Hi Everyone,

There is a team here from Chattanooga, TN and today they went out across the river (the Mekong) to a distant village to do water projects at the school. Wendi and I drove out following one of the trucks so that she would know the way.As she goes out on Thursday through Saturday to be with the team. I rode out with her to keep her company. The village is wa-a-ay out there. I am including a photo of the ferry we took across the Mekong (the lady in the red striped shirt is Ming Sopean she is the primary cook and all around takes care of all of us) and a shot of John Burnette from RDI playing guitar for the kids. It was about a 2 1/2 hour one way and rough but we saw lots of countryside. I saw my first draft pony along the way.

Yesterday we had church of course. The Tennessee crew all attended both services also so we were pretty packed in Kmhei church but it was awesome. I recorded them singing Amazing Grace and I will share that when I get home.

That is it for tonight. Please take care of each other.


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